Kayak Massive

Friday, May 13, 2005

Hurley - 12 May 2005

Took my French friend down Hurley. It was one gate and you could argue a good case that on one gate it's total bollocks. The 'wave' was small, low angle and quite flushy, you've got to work to stay on. That said, its quite fun to sit on the eddy-line, lean upstream and just as its about to tip you over do a big reverse stroke, that produced some interesting results, managed to hold the boat vertical for about five seconds before going over. Don't think it's worth the drive just for that though. French friend did well, only two swims and was paddling forwards under control after about twenty minutes. Told him to go in the wave with the inevitable results, water was quite warm though so swimming wasn't too bad. Also realised that my X-Rescue technique is totally crap (something to do with not being strong enough I reckon).


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