Kayak Massive

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Mighty Don - 11 May 2005 (Swimmer)

First a brief description of Abingdon or the Mighty Don as it’s become known. Like the Mighty Nene, the Mighty Don, certainly ain’t hardcore. The weir's made up of a few nasty walled in gate/sluice bits and then the playboating venue. This consists of 12 gates, which are similar to the side radials at Hurley.

On our visit 6 of the 12 gates were open, an ideal level apparently. Gates are open, one open, one closed across the weir.

There weren’t too many people on the water and it was soon my go. I went in the second open gate on river right, as the locals had done. First thing that struck me was that it was actually rather more sticky than it looked, and it was also rather shallow. I had a play. Now Abingdon is supposed to be a one move wonder, that move being the front surf. Frankly that’s bollocks if you ask me. I couldn’t seem to stay in a front surf, and it was more like surfing a stopper side on.

Now I’m not sure what had attracted Dave to the gate nearest the eddy, the locals had all avoided it, but Dave was upside down in it. The reason everyone had avoided it was that it was right next to a wall. Dave was upside down, and it looked like he was being bashed against the wall. Anyway soon enough there was that all too familiar sight, as Daves helmet appeared from underneath the boat, and to my embarrassment Dave went for a swim. We got him out, it was so shallow he pretty much walked out!

Later in the evening someone else went for a swim and I was relieved. But no, not to be outdone Dave promptly followed with another swim! Apparently he’d got his paddle stuck on the bottom!
So what can you do at Abingdon? Well you can surf the wave sideways, front ways a bit and do a few spins. It’s quiet steep, very stopper like, and fairly sticky. You can also pull off the spin dryer move. Where by you get stuck in the middle of the weir sideways and then go upside down and round and round and round… Great fun, and I got a round of applause for my efforts.

Abingdon is not worth travelling from much outside Abingdon for! But if you’re local and the valley is dry, Abingdon is a good bit of fun.



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